TWO POEMS by Byron Beynon


The slick would engulf
the conscious coastline into disorder,

facing a wintry sea
the estuary braced

against nature’s principles,
the prescriptive balance threatened

by a stench like genocide,
the malevolence of human actions,

mute dollops
on a treasure of sands;

the praised mythology of dolphins,
the guillemots, cormorants, grey seals aground,

their character despoiled
on a torn signature of shore,

a matted warrant,
the covering tide their pall.



This morning you telephoned
that two seals were swimming
in the Tawe,
they brought with them
innumerable seagrams,
navigable rhapsodies
gleaming with motion,
a lustre of sea-eyes
that floated in fields
where tides registered
global warmth, changeable seasons;
for a moment
they held your breath,
sensed their need to escape
at one with their tidings
delivered across the miracle of unchained waters.


Byron Beynon lives in Wales. His work has appeared in numerous publications including The Black Mountain Review, The French Literary Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Poetry Wales, Eat a Peach Poetry Journal (USA) and The Wolf. His latest collection, Nocturne in Blue (Lapwing Publications) was launched at the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea in March 2010.

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